
My office right this very moment for comparison :)
(I'm 26 now)

To the left is all my storage. My office is pretty small, so I packed it tight with shelves.

My girlfriend and her cat have a lot of funny interactions :)

For Halloween one year I built these super bright LED goggles. I wasn't even sure what I was going to be.
I ended up wearing a red shirt and being "a lighthouse"
I was just fiddling with stuff on my desk and noticed that
these led disks fit perfectly inside
these goggles. You can even see a bit through the holes. Needless to say I rolled with it. I drilled a few extra holes for better vision. It was kind of unnecessary though, since you can't look at anyone without them recoiling in pain.

They turned out pretty cool. This was my facebook profile pic for like 3 years. ...oh it actually still is.